Subject: Re: Want to build monolithic libssh2.dll on Windows (preferably Win32 and Win64) but no real success so far

Re: Want to build monolithic libssh2.dll on Windows (preferably Win32 and Win64) but no real success so far

From: Jeroen Wiert Pluimers <>
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2016 12:43:57 +0100

On Sun, Nov 6, 2016 at 12:05 AM, Alexander Lamaison <>

> On 3 November 2016 at 23:36, Jeroen Wiert Pluimers
> <> wrote:

> Now what _is_ interesting from the lines above is that you are getting
> static libraries for debug builds but dynamic libraries for release
> builds! I don't know what could cause that. Though I've just spotted
> a change in CMake 3.6 that might cause it [1]. Could you try with
> CMake 3.5.2 or older?

I will do somewhere after is

You might have guessed from my messages that I'm very new on CMAKE, C/C++
efforts have been a long time ago but I'm willing to learn.

If that doesn't work, did you perhaps configure it before in this
> directory some time previously? I suggest starting with a completely
> clean build directory.

I run this script from a fresh directory under %TEMP% where it starts with
a `git clone`. I hope that's clean enough (:

> b148440381df0143a665b7ceebe8606a052e2cdf

For my own reference:


Received on 2016-11-08