Subject: libssh2 nonblocking sftp write fails with Tectia SFTP server in Windows

libssh2 nonblocking sftp write fails with Tectia SFTP server in Windows

From: Ismail Aseen <>
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2015 17:11:49 +0000 (UTC)

Hi All,
I used the example code sftp_write_nonblock.c and tried to upload a large file(around 1 gb) to a Tectia SFTP server in Windows box, it failed around 300MB.
 This same program works fine with a linux SFTP server and  the linux sftp client can write the same file to Tectia server too. This 300MB value is when the below highlighted buffer is 30000 (i.e. if I call the sftp write with a 30000 sized data buffer). If I changed it to 1 the transfer get stuck at 11K, when the buffer is 2 then the transfer freezing  size is 21K. In both ends connection is not ended but it waits without any progress. Could you all help me to figure out what is the problem with this Tectia - Libssh2 combination.
libssh2 - sftp_write_nonblock.c


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| libssh2 - sftp_write_nonblock.c/* * Sample showing how to do SFTP non-blocking write transfers. |
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Received on 2015-07-30