Subject: libssh2-1.2.8-20110111 issue

libssh2-1.2.8-20110111 issue

From: zl liu <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2011 13:57:41 +0800

hello everyone£¡
The testing of libssh2-1.2.8-20110111£¬
Compiled with visual c++ 6.0 and has following errors£º
libssh2-1.2.8-20110111\src\session.c(359) : error C2065: 'socklen_t' :
undeclared identifier

Also has two linking errors£º
   Creating library Release_dll/libssh2.lib and object
agent.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__FindWindowA_at_8
agent.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__SendMessageA_at_16

execute the example sftp_write_nonblock.c with
lib 1.2.7:
Fingerprint: BA 7C C3 63 61 E6 CB A1 52 82 00 E3 F7 8F C3 7E 5C 85 DA 54
libssh2_sftp_open() is done, now send data!
30989877 bytes in 81 seconds makes 382591.1 bytes/sec
all done

lib 1.2.8
Fingerprint: BA 7C C3 63 61 E6 CB A1 52 82 00 E3 F7 8F C3 7E 5C 85 DA 54
libssh2_sftp_open() is done, now send data!
30989877 bytes in 61 seconds makes 508030.8 bytes/sec
all done

the performance has increased 32%£º
*(508 030.8 - 382 591.1) / 382 591.1 = 0.32786884*

Received on 2011-01-12