Subject: Re: "Callback returned error" with public key authentication, under windows, linux works

Re: "Callback returned error" with public key authentication, under windows, linux works

From: Bart Simpson <>
Date: Tue, 11 May 2010 11:52:34 +0200

> Just out of interest, is there any reason you pass things around as a QString?
Yes there is, the class SshConnect is only a little part of a bigger Qt gui software.
And somewhere i have to convert QString-->char or char-->QString so i decide to do it here.

> -19 is LIBSSH2_ERROR_PUBLICKEY_UNVERIFIED and the error text should be
> "Invalid signature for supplied public key, or bad username/public key
> combination" not "Callback returned error" (I have no idea where this
> second string came from).
That is a good point, i think in my function "lastError()" is some mistake. But when i take
the return value of "libssh2_userauth_publickey_fromfile" it is:


But i do not understand the difference between linux and windows.
I have exactly the same code and the same keyfile in both versions.

Received on 2010-05-11