Subject: Re: [libssh2] libssh2-0.15 Problems authenticating

Re: [libssh2] libssh2-0.15 Problems authenticating

From: Guenter Knauf <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2007 00:33:01 +0200

Hi Paul,

> _MSC_VER_ = 1400
> _WIN32 = 1

> ...So the two typdef'd items need to be in there ;p
ok; have just changed again to include 1400 - however what puzzles me is that you got:
_MSC_VER_ = 1400
and not:
_MSC_VER = 1400

if that's really no typo then it will still not work since we ask for _MSC_VER, and not for _MSC_VER_ ...

in this case please add these lines before the check in line 72 of libssh2.h:
#if defined(_MSC_VER_) and !defined(_MSC_VER)
#define _MSC_VER _MSC_VER_

and test again if that then works.

> As far as needing each example in its own project, that would be required.
> However in VS 2005 you can create one solution with multiple projects
> under
> it. I'm not sure, but that sounds similar to VS6's workspace and projects
> (I
> used VS6 long ago for a short time, didn't much care for it). One
> workspace
> which holds multiple projects? Then you just build the solution/workspace
> and all samples are built.
ok, that's what I thought already; will see when I have next time to add some project files for the examples...

> The DLL that was created from either the 0.15 or last nights CVS version
> both compile, link and are usable in both debug and release formats...
> with the exception of my authentication problem.

>>>From my side, I was trying to connect with the library from my windowsXP
> laptop to my remote Linux system (runs openssl as the ssh server). I also
> tried from on the server to itself without any luck. I tried the remote
> server by both hostname and IP.

I've just tried again vom my WinCP box tgo my Linux box
(again with MingW32 build, but will tomorrow try a MSVC build):

ssh2 root ****
Fingerprint: 00 BA BE FA CE 00 59 D3 1D 76 47 D8 DF C4 E2 35
Authentication by password succeeded.
all done!

I've just added the 'sucess' message - so that's something new...

please try in any case with IP only - there's no name resolution in the samples AFAICT.
Also if you try on Linux dont use 'localhost' -- use ...


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Received on 2007-07-17